What is it? (medium)

Question: It breaks away from its pack. It creates holes in its victims. It can travel for miles and then disappear. It is part of a dying breed. What is it?

Cold and Dark (medium)

Question: Cold and dark, I'm the same as my neighbor. Flatter than a pancake, faster than a panther. Lighter than a feather I still prevail, Yet a million mean trying to lift me would fail. Expanding and shrinking throughout the day, When heat is highest, underneath I lay. I leave in the darkness of the night, And don't come back if there's rain in sight. What am I?

Cops (medium)

Question: one day there were two cops, they got a call saying there was some kind of mystery so they went to the house were the mystery was at, the lady there said she could not figure out how many letters the special word was, later the cops went home knowing that they had done a good job. How many letters was the special word?

Question: There are three men and a judge. The judge has 5 hats. Three of them are red and two of them are white. The judge says "Close your eyes, I am going to place a hat on each of your heads, who ever can guess what color hat they are wearing can go free." Facts: 1. The three men are standing in a line facing the judge. Where person three can see person two, one and the judge. Person two can see person one and the judge, person one can see the judge. Person three opens his eyes first, then person two, then person one goes last. 2. Each person can hear the others response. 3. The additional 2 hats are not visible 4. Person one guesses correctly. Question: What color hat is person one wearing and how do you know?

Can you ? (medium)

Question: If 4+5=24 7+2=21 9+6=63 6+7=?