Easy Riddles and Answers


Question: I am an instrument that you can hear, but you can not touch or see me.

What am I?

Question: I have no eyes, ears, tongue, or nose.
Yet I see, hear, taste, and smell everything.

What am I?

Question: I go up and I go down,
towards the sky and the ground.
I'm present and past tense too,
Let's go for a ride, me and you.

What am I?

Question: I live above a star, but I do not burn.
I have 11 friends, but they do not turn.
I am visited in sequence: never, once, or repeatedly.
My initials are PQRS.

Now tell me, what do I mean?

Question: You can play me and pull me,
I love the naive.
I'm enjoyable to give,
but bad to receive.

What am I?