Easy Riddles and Answers


Question: I have 13 arms, 10 legs, 2 head, and smell like burnt denim.

What am I?

Question: You are a cowboy. The cowboy is riding bareback on a paint horse. The horse falls down breaking its leg. The sun is setting quickly and the nearest house is 3 miles away. The chance of rain that night is at 75% The chance of snow is 33% What color is the Cowboys hair?

Child's Play (medium)

Question: Within me you can find gold Also 'The Greatest', if I should be so bold. Unfortunately, as you might see 'The Worst' is also apart of me. What am I?

Read (medium)

Question: What's black, white, and red all over?

Question: I can run but never walk. Wherever I go, thought are close behind me.

What am I?