19 ratings
0 saves
By kailasam
Question: A dad and his son were riding their bikes and crashed.They were carried to hospitals.And the doctor who looked the son told "i will rescue u because u r my son.How is this possible?
12 ratings
0 saves
By GrandKitten
Question: How do you put a giraffe in a fridge? Put it in and shut the door. How do you put a elephant in a fridge? Take the giraffe out and put the elephant in. There's this animal party all animals are there besides for one what animal is not?
11 ratings
0 saves
By Girl
Question: You were at a carnival. You had four tickets and one ride was four tickets. Once you were done, you didn't buy anymore tickets and you had one ticket left. How is that possible?
17 ratings
1 saves
By debs
Question: I'm a thing and I touch my mother before I die. What am I ?
6 ratings
0 saves
Question: I can be found all around the world I can be stricken but not feel it Both the moon and the sun know who I am I can be seen twice a day and 730 times a year What am I?
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