Easy Riddles and Answers

What Am I (medium)

Question: I'm in every room, yet outside. I move at different paces, but you never see me moving. Where ever I am its crowded, but when your there you don't see or feel anyone. If you try to hit me you always miss, yet you always feel me. You need me to live, but I cause disasters. What am I?

Question: Round like a apple deep like a cup yet all the kings horses can’t pull it up.

What Am I? (medium)

Question: I can climb incredibly high, but only drop so low, it all depends how fast the little ones go....

3 houses (medium)

Question: there are 3 houses. a brown house a green house and white house. if the green house is in front of the brown house. and the brown house is in the back of the green house, Where is the white house?

Worry (medium)

Question: What is it that no one wants to have, but if he has it, he doesn't want to lose it?