30 ratings
4 saves
By Bist
Question: Having one, means having something to follow. Once you question it, it means having none. People seek it, but some do and some don't find it. What is it?
5 ratings
1 saves
By killerpro55
Question: what is small but can save things that do not weight anything in it?
34 ratings
0 saves
By lr
Question: My first is in yesterday, but not in today; My second is in after, but not in before; My third is in start, and also in stop; My fourth is the 20th letter of the English alphabet; My fifth is in correct but not in wrong; and my sixth is in pretty, but not in cute. My whole is something celebrated by Christians. What is this teaser referring to?
44 ratings
2 saves
By absinthian
Question: I'm made up of 12 completely different letters but you can type me with just 1, what am I?
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