27 ratings
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By ThandekaJ
Question: There once was a horse that won great fame. What do you think was the horses name.
25 ratings
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By Sirius
Question: I am often known as a symbol/mark, and can be used in a trend. I am created when two paths meet, but separate at the end. What am I?
25 ratings
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By Peep1022
Question: Mary and jack are newly weds and want to go on a ski trip... So jack starts planning. He books a flight for them to Colorado. When they get there Mary gets pushed off the cliff. There is a guy in Hawaii named Sam and he was reading the paper. He right away said the husband did it. How does he know? HINTS: they have never met in person, jack did not tell Sam, he was not guessing, and it did not say it in the news paper.
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