What Am I Riddles


Question: What is something that you always have with you but you always leave behind?

Question: A five lettered word, I'm used to make bread.
Remove one letter and I'll burn you instead.
Remove two and do this to your stew.
Mix that around and a good drink we will brew.

Question: I join you in battle, fist clenched tight.
We pound three times with all our might.
If my rival decides he will sign for peace;
I'll crush him, and the fight will cease.
But if he lays his hand down flat;
I'll suffer defeat, that is that.

What am I?

Question: I am your most powerful weapon; I come before your eyes.. I help you seek the truth, yet I often give you lies. What am I?

What is it? (medium)

Question: It breaks away from its pack. It creates holes in its victims. It can travel for miles and then disappear. It is part of a dying breed. What is it?