What Am I Riddles


Question: Take away my first, I still sound the same. Take away my last, I stil sound the same. What am I?

What am I ? (medium)

By debs

Question: I'm a thing and I touch my mother before I die. What am I ?

Question: i am the most powerful force in the universe, u cannot see or feel me, but i can be seen in ones actions, i have nothing to do with religion. Everyone has some of me, but nobody has all of me, what am i...

hard riddle (medium)

Question: I have keys but no lock, you can enter but not leave what am I?

Question: I am born through wrongful events, sometimes even despair. I show that deep down you care. Although I give you strength, I am but a flaw. I can even turn a man into a monster, a monster that even his own loved ones saw. What am I?