Fun Riddles


Question: You are a prisoner. The only way to escape the prison is to walk down a very long hallway that takes 2 hours to get through. Guards come out of a door halfway down the hall every hour and take any prisoners walking out back to the prison and escort any visitors out of the prison. The guards cannot tell the difference between prisoners and visitors.

How do you escape?

Question: You fill up a bathtub with water and you have a teaspoon, tablespoon, and fourth cup. What is the fastest way to empty the bathtub?

Question: I have a few points but we're not competing.
And I'll help you win when you're eating.

What am I?

Question: What is brown or silver, has a head and tail but no arms or legs?

Question: My shallow hills are the faces of kings.
My horizon is always near.
My music sends men to the grave.
My absence sends men to work.

What am I?