Fun Riddles


Question: A king finds a woman he wants to marry but she refuses. But since he is the king, she has to. The king gives her a deal: he will write 'YES' and 'NO' on two pieces of paper. The papers will be put into a hat and she will choose one. If it says yes she will marry him, if it says no she will not. The only problem is that the king cheats and puts two pieces of paper that say yes into the hat, but the woman is the only one who sees this.

How can the woman avoid marrying the king?

Question: How can you make the following true by adding a single line: .9 = 1.

Note: ≠ is not the answer.

Question: A prison has 23 prisoners in 23 different cells. The prisoners have no way to communicate with each other in any way from their cells. There is another room, the rec room, that has two switches on the wall (A and B). The switches have on and off positions but they start in an unknown position.

Prisoners are randomly taken to and from the rec room one at a time. They must change the position of only one of the two switches each time they go to the room. At any point a prisoner can yell out, "Every prisoner has been here!" If the prisoner is correct that all of the prisoners have visited the rec room, then they all go free. If they aren't correct then they are all executed.

Before they start they are given one planning session during which they can discuss a method to win the game. What method can they use to ensure they all go free?

Question: What's always coming, but never arrives?

Question: There is a 100 pound watermelon laying out in the sun. 99 percent of the watermelon's weight is water. After laying out for a few hours 98 percent of the watermelon's weight is water.

How much water evaporated?