Best Riddles and Answers

3 racers (medium)

Question: One day there was a running competition with 3 people. 2 were fast one was slow. The race started the 2 fast people were talking to each other because the slow one was behind, the referee said 'sandpit ahead jump over it'(basically long jump) the jump came they jumped and then...the slow one came first. How did the slow one come first?

What goes up (medium)

Question: What goes up but never goes down?

Riddle (medium)

Question: What white coat lights up and is hot to the touch?

Great fall (medium)

By jena

Question: Why does a flamingo lift up one leg?

Question: It is able, but not capable.
It can stop, but not go.
It is dead, but not yet perished.
It's a ghost, but not paranormal.

Is it high, or is it low?