Best Riddles and Answers

I am (medium)

Question: I am the one thing that stays after fire , I am the one that choke liars and yet the wind is my foe, in the morning I’ll be gone! Who am I?

By Bist

Question: People pick me, and watch me until they give me power. Then they don't stare in my eyes. What am I?

Question: Once you are in my sight, you are gone in a flash, and people tend to use me for cash. I am often used as a dire assist, and people often believe that I cause harm, when I am but its catalyst. What am I?

Question: When i was 4 my sister was half my age. Now I am 100. How old is my sister now?

lette-r-iddle (medium)

Question: If all of your surrounding is X, you can't Y. X n Y have the same letters. Name X n Y.