Best Riddles and Answers


Question: Sometimes I'm high and sometimes low,
and I creep between your toes.
My orders come from the sky,
I make men fall and rise.

What am I?

Question: You have two buckets: one with only white marbles and one with only black marbles. The two buckets have the same number of marbles.

How can you rearrange the marbles to maximize your chances of grabbing a white marble from each?

Question: You are a surgeon who has to perform 3 operations today, but you only have 2 pairs of gloves (a and b) to perform the operations. Each of the people you are performing surgery on are infectious so you cannot touch any of them or their bodily fluids and they can't touch each other's bodily fluids. How do you perform all 3 operations with only 2 pairs of gloves?

Question: Whats smaller then a mouse but higher then a house?

😏 (medium)

Question: I am very strong and tough but can be broken in some ways. What am I?