Best Riddles and Answers

Chicken (medium)

Question: How Do You Make Chicken Napoleon?

Question: Alone I am 24th, with a friend I am 20. Another friend and I am unclean.What am I?

Question: What is the best way to stop a dog from barking in, and digging up the front yard?

Question: You can easily touch me, but not see me.
You can throw me out, but not away.

What am I?

Question: Someone posts that they are giving away a free $100 to whoever shows them they deserves it. One person posts (the post receives 1 point):

Don't give it to me, other people deserve it more.

The next person posts (the person also receives 1 point):

If you give me the money I'll spend it to make the world a better place

The final person posts a picture of a cat. His post gets -1 point.

When somebody dislikes you comment you lose a point and when somebody likes it you gain a point. You can also vote on your own.

Who gets the money?