Best Riddles and Answers

notitle:( (medium)

Question: I have 3 eye colors yellow red and green when the red eye opens everybody freezes. What am I?

Question: There are 3 stoves. A glass stove, a brick stove , and a wood stove. You only have 1 match. Which do you light up first?

What is it? (medium)

Question: Tear one off and scratch my head. What once was red is black instead. What am I?

Question: These are the three lives of mine:
So gentle I soothe the skin,
So light I caress the sky,
So hard I crack rocks.

What am I?

Rise and Fall (medium)

Question: Resurrected, they descend by the millions. Sometimes, to nourish and give life. Other times, to take lives or destroy. They have been known to fill entire valleys and block roads only to disappear before executing their long journey back to the top. What are they?