Joke #3

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Joke: A wealthy business man is trying to find his future wife. He finds three business savvy women and gives them each ten thousand dollars. They can do whatever they want with it, they just have to come back in six weeks to tell him what they did with it.

After six weeks the three women meet the business man. The business man says, 'What did you spend the money on, Number One?'

Number One says, 'I invested in bonds and made $1500.' The business man asks the second woman the same question. She says, 'I invested in stocks and made $1700.'

The business man asks Number Three the same question.

Number Three says, 'I invested in a CD that only made $1200.' After thinking for a long time, the business man finally came to a decision. Can you figure out which one he picked? The one with biggest tits, of course.

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