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Joke: Knock knock!
Who's there?
Ding dong!
Ding dong who?
Ding dong, I just found the doorbell.

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Joke: Why do melons have large weddings?

Punch line: They can't elope.

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Joke: Why does the United States need 53 states?

Punch line: So it can be indivisible (53 is prime).

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Joke: Why is water jealous of citric acid?

Punch line: Citric acid is a lot buffer.

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Joke: A little elderly lady goes to the doctor because she has been having a problem. She tells him "Doctor, lately I have been farting almost constantly. They don't bother me much because they don't smell or make noise, but it is still annoying. I've farted a hundred times since I got here, I bet you didn't know."

The doctor sends her home with some pills and she returns a week later. Angrily she tells him "Doctor! These pills you gave me have made my gas smell terrible. I don't want to take them anymore!"

The doctor smiles and replies "Great. Now that we have cleared your sinuses we can take care of that hearing problem."

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Joke: A guy and a girl are just finishing up having sex in the guys dorm and the girl turns in says "I can't believe I did it! I'm not a virgin anymore."

The guy hears her and asks "So I was your first?"

She replies "Yeah, I always told myself I would wait for the man I loved, my soul mate."

The guy smiles and asks "So you really love me?"

The girl answers "God no! I just got over that silly dream."

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