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Joke: Why do fish swim in schools?

Punch line: Because they can't walk in school.

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Joke: Why don't chemists like dubstep?

Punch line: They prefer to not drop the base.

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Joke: Why are cats better at math than dogs?

Punch line: They're always talking about Mu.

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Joke: What do you call a deer with no eyes?

Punch line: No eye deer.

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Joke: A boy is going to have dinner with his girlfriend's family for the first time and he is also going to sleep with her that night. He goes to the pharmacy to get condoms for that night and he ends up talking to the pharmacist for twenty minutes about his plans for the night. Then he buys the large pack of condoms because he is going to be "busy that night."

Later that night he goes to his girlfriend's house and she greets him at the door. They go to the dinner table and sit down to eat. The boy sits quietly for a minute and asks if he can say grace. After he has been praying for 10 minutes his girlfriend leans over and says "I didn't know you were so religious."

The boy replies "I had no idea your dad was a pharmacist!"

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Joke: Knock knock!
Who's There?
Bumblebee Who?
Bumblebee cold if you don't pull your pants up!

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