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Joke: Where does Scrooge go to in New York City?

Punch line: The Grumpire State Building.

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Joke: What kind of pants do chemists wear?

Punch line: Molybdenim.

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Joke: What do you do if you are asked to add the numbers from 1 to 100?

Punch line: Just Gauss.

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Joke: How do you make tissues dance?

Punch line: Put a little boogie in them!

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Joke: If there are three men in a boat with a bunch of fireworks but no lighters, what do they do?

Punch line: Throw out a firework so the boat becomes a firework lighter.

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Joke: The dove is the bird of peace and the hawk is the bird of war. What is the bird of true love?

Punch line: The swallow.

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